The garden is under control and the weeds in the courtyard are more or less dead, although some seem to be having a second life. we have had a busy social life this last weekend, supper with our neighbours on Friday, their nephew and wife have just bought a house in the region and had got the keys and moved the first items in that day. As usual good food, wine and hospitality.
Saturday we had the pleasure of meeting up with some people Rob works with in the UK, they came over for lunch. Thanks to Gerda's large courgette, some of our large peas and mint from the garden we had a lovely soup, recipe from Waitrose in this months Good Housekeeping magazine. Then a chicken dish, no not home produce this time buy served with the first potatoes of the season, large and small but very tasty, see photo.
The blackberries are starting to ripen, at least those growing over the building next door. I think the stone is absorbing the heat and bringing them on faster. harvested the first ones today, not many but Rob had some with his yoghurt and I have frozen the remaining. Need to collect some more as I am supposed to be making some bramble jelly for a WI competition. I hope the berries are plentiful as I will have to practise if we are to win.
Unfortunately one of our English neighbours was taken ill on Sunday and we went with them to the hospital for moral support. Luckily Jo seems to be recovering from the emergency surgery that she had Sunday afternoon.
This week Rob has removed a window from the side of the garage and is making a new one from scratch. So far so good. The first pane of glass is in, and he is perfecting the section which will open and close. It is looking good. I continue with the constant struggle to keep the weeds at bay in the vegetable garden. Each morning I am faced with a covering of small green leaves carpeting the ground. I am determined I will win they will not....
However we continue to harvest, broadbeans, courgettes, lettuces, swiss chard, beetroot, potatoes and herbs. Although we haven't got a large veg plot hopefully it will keep us fed for the rest of the summer.
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