Sunday, 15 May 2011

Meet the Press

Rob holding a copy of the Publicateur

We have been very busy these last few weeks. 

Last Saturday Rob was interviewed by a journalist from the regional newspaper 'Ouest France' at the Médiatheque. Wednesdays edition carried the article and a photo of Rob in front of one of his exhibits. On arriving home there was an email from another journalist this time from the local rag, 'le Publicatuer' asking for an interview on Tuesday. This interview and photo were in this weeks edition  and if you look carefully you can see the photo in the newpaper Rob is holding here. 

Sculpture in the grounds of the Chateau in Flers

On a recent visit to Flers we wandered through the gardens of the Chateau where there was a temporary sculpture exhibition, this one was particularly interesting. Thin slices of a tree trunk had been painted with vivid green paint and then set out under the trees near the entrance. It was really simple but very effective.

New mini poly tunnel
We have set up a mini poly tunnel, made with a metal grid which  I think  are for re enforcing concrete in the building trade. This covered with thick plastic sheeting. We got the idea from our friends who were erecting one in their garden, they had bought three of these grills but had decided two were sufficient so we took over the extra one. Tomorrow I will plant it up with cucumbers and aubergines. My melon plants are still too small, they are still in pots in the mini greenhouse. Hopefully this poly tunnel will give the plants some extra heat  encouraging them to give earlier and bigger crops. We will have to see how this works out as of course the plants will need extra watering and we will have to open it on warm days to encourage the bees.
There are plenty of bees around - the raspberry canes are covered with them, hopefully this means that bees are thriving in this area.

Marcella capturing Wim at the exhibition
Rob's sister and husband have been visiting for a few days. They came to view Rob's exhibition en route to the south of Italy, some detour from Holland! It was lovely to see them and I think they thought it worthwhile.

Two sows with their young enjoying an afternoon nap.
Taking advantage of the facilities at the Féte de la Bio, 
Yesterday we spent at the Fete de la Bio, an agricultural fair organized by the regional Organic Farmers Union. It was held at a farm not far from here. We had a good look around at the demonstrations and inspected the food stalls, tasting as we went. We enjoyed a simple lunch of galettes whilst sitting under the trees watching the world go by. I met several people I knew from the cheese making course I had been on earlier in the year. After coming back home for an afternoon in the sun, we went back in the evening for the dinner. More than 600 people had supper in a large circus type tent, with music from a local jazz band JLS (Jazz du Lundi Soir).  The jazz band improved as the evening went on. These suppers served under canvas are a regular feature of local fairs and fetes and we have attended quite a few in the past, but I think this was probably the biggest we have been to so far. So glad we weren't involved in the catering. A local restaurant coordinated the volunteers from the farmers union, and the ingredients had been locally sourced from members. A list of suppliers was displayed at the entrance along with the menu. It was a good day and we all enjoyed ourselves.

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