We spent New Year in France. It was very cold when we arrived - just like in the UK and then suddenly we had a couple of unseasonably warm days, when it was warmer outside than in.
I was fortunate to be able to attend the second session of the cheese making course I had attended in November. Much of it was a repetition of the first session, but we were all much more relaxed and asked many more questions of our tutor.
ce coming back I have made a cheese, it is now is a cool place maturing. Time will tell whether it is edible or not. But as with everything practice makes perfect. Really just need my own cow, but as that is not practical will have to make do with Sainsburys!
Photos of curds and whey.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner Friday at Pea Porridge a local restaurant. We were celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary a few weeks late but better late than never. Good seasonal food and very tasty, a good place for a special meal. I had a starter of cod cheeks coated in a black tempura batter - stunning, black outside white inside, yes I know we shouldn't be eating cod but occasionally an exception has to be made. Then I had braised ox cheek, really tender and rich, lovely flavours and textures. To finish a pannacota with rhubarb. Rob had a salad to start with a Rocamadour cheese, followed by a pan fried hare fillet. He said it was really delicious.
Now busy promoting the Women Reaching Women event on Maternal Health. Fairly confident that we will have a good number of people attending, but it is always difficult to pin people down and get them to commit. Busy posting on Facebook and Twitter in the hope of reaching a wider audience. Visited several preschools and primary schools in the neighbourhood. Just over four weeks to go.
It is the season for Seville Oranges, so have been busy in the kitchen so far I have made two batches, one standard and one Oxford style. My chutneys are now on sale at our local coffee house, until now I have been selling direct to the consumer at fairs in France. Last summer there was great demand for the marmalade from the Brits and the chutneys sold well to my French customers. I have plenty of stock so hope this years sales are as good as last year.