The last day of February - what a long winter we have had. Finally the temperatures are rising but it is now raining instead of snowing. Friday afternoon I thought spring had finally sprung, the sun was shining, the birds singing and the bulbs are finally forcing there way out of the ground. I found a beautiful lace edged primula in a flower shop in town and have planted it close to the back door to enjoy each time I go out. The poor thing is looking a bit sad as it has been soake

The snowdrops are doing there best but even they are looking waterlogged now.
I have got started with sowing seeds for the vegetable garden and have some healthy looking tomato and aubergine plants. I also have some healthy looking trailing geraniums which I have grown from seed this year, they are still quite small but hopefully by summer they will be full of flowers. This year I have also tried growing asparagus from seed so far 9 out of 10 seeds have germinated and are about 8 cms tall.